Brooklyn NY Directory Transcripts

I had some time last night to transcribe a few entries from Brooklyn City Directories between 1856 and 1869. I have two ancestors who ended up there in the mid to late 1800s. It didn’t help me much but maybe someone else will find this useful. I found the directories at the Brooklyn Public Library by way of

Searched surname WINN and picked up WINNE, WYNN and WYNNE in proximity to the results.

Smith’s Brooklyn Directory for the year ending May 1, 1856
(Eastern District)
Winn James, carpenter, h. 14th st. n. 3d av.
Winn Thomas, butcher, 34 Hamilton mkt. h. r. 7 Carroll

(Western District)
Winn Eleanor, wid. William, h. 241 S. Fourth
Winn John, laborer, h. 9 S. Fifth

Smith’s Brooklyn Directory for the year ending May 1, 1857
(Eastern District)
Winn William, ropemaker, 97 MoKibbin

(Western District)
Winn James, laborer, Underhill n. Wyckoff
Winn Thomas, butcher, r. 13 Carroll
Winn Thomas, stone cutter, 65 Degraw
Wynn Robert, laborer. Kelsey’s al
Wynne Thomas, butcher, 34 Hamilton market, h r. 13 Carroll

Brooklyn City Directory, for the year ending May 1, 1858
Winn Eleanor, wid. h. 241 S. 4th
Winn James, laborer, h. Underhill av. n. Bergen
Winne T. V. clerk, h. 80 Hoyt
Wynn Jacob, tailor, h. Ewen c. Wyckoff
Wynne Thomas, butcher, Hamilton av. mkt. h. 52 President

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1862
Winn James, laborer, h. 14 Hudson
Winn James, lather, h. Underhill . n. Bergen
Winn James, liquors, E. Warren c. Hoyt
Winn John J. seaman, h. 42 John
Winn Thomas, laborer, h. 6th n. N. 5th
Winne Donald D. salesman, h. 102 S. 9th
Wynne Patrick, butcher, 558 Columbia
Wynne Thomas, butcher, 558 Columbia

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1863
Winn James, grocer, E. Warren c. Hoyt, h. 94 E. Warren
Winn James, lab. h. Underhill av. n. Bergen
Winn Robert, porter, h. Kelsey’s al. n. Columbia
Winne Daniel D. com. mer. 26 Cortlandt, N.Y. h. 16 S. 4th
Winne Fisher, stoves, h. 94 Duffield
Winne George, stonecutter, h. 177 Taylor
Winne Mary, wid. cook, h. 330 2d
Winne Patrick, laborer, h. r. 50 Raymond
Wynn William & Co. druggist, 150 Fulton av. h. 250 Schermerhorn
Wynne James, grocer, E. Warren c. Hoyt
Wynne Patrick, J. butcher, Court c. 4th pl. h. 558 Columbia

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1864
Winn James, laborer, h. 20 Hudson av
Winn James, laborer, h. Underhill av.n. Bergen
Winn James, liquors, 94 E. Warren
Winn John, laborer, h. Greene c. Union av
Winn John J. watchman, John n. Gold
Winn Mary, wid. h. 830 2d
Winne D. D. com. mer. h. 16 S. 4th
Wynn Patrick, butcher, Court c. 4th pl
Wynne William & Co. druggists, 150 Fulton av. h. 97 State

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1865
Winn James, grocer, 94 E. Warren
Winn James, butcher, h. Underhill av. n. Bergen
Winn James, seaman, h. 168 York
Winn John J. laborer, h. B’way. n. Myrtle av
Winne Hiram P. sash & blinds, h. 229 5th
Winne James, machinist, h. 9 17th
Winne Samuel, h. 244 1st
Wynn William & Co. druggists, 15 Fulton av. h. 102 Fulton av
Wynne Patrick, butcher, Court c. 4th pl
Wynne Thomas, butcher, 557 Columbia

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1866
Winn Elcia, (col.) seamstress, h r. 62 Prince
Winn James, grocer, 94 E. Warren
Winn James F. plasterer, h Underhill . n. Dean
Winn John J. watchman, h 138 Prospect
Winn Patrick, clerk, h 147 Jay
Winn Samuel, seaman, h 28 N. 2d
Winn Thomas, b Nelson n. Hicks
Winne Daniel, h 41 S. 4th
Wynn William & Co.drugs, Bond, c. Fulton . h 1 Bond

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1867
Winn John, porter, h 64 Butler
Winn May, wid. h 330 2d
Winn Patrick, porter, h 147 Jay
Winn Samuel, auctioneer, h 28 N. 2d
Winn William, peddler, h 120 E. Baltic
Winne Daniel D. salesman, h 41 S. 4th
Winne James, porter, h 158 Hudson av
Wynn James, leather, h Underhill av.n.Bergen
Wynn William & Co. drugs, 150 Fulton av
Wynn W. P. engineer, h William n. Richard
Wynne James, butcher, h 557 Columbia
Wynne James, grocer, 94 E. Warren
Wynne James, lab. h 168 York
Wynne Patrick J. police, h 557 Columbia
Wynne Thomas, mkt. 557 Columbia

Brooklyn City Directory for the year ending May 1, 1868
Winn Bernard, upholsterer, h r. 22 High
Winn George, tailor, 114 Smith
Winn James, grocer, 94 E. Warren
Winn James, lab. h 20 Hudson av
Winn John, lab. h 12 Union pl
Winn Mary, wid. laundress, h 12 Union pl
Winn Michael, lab. h Schenck n. Myrtle av
Winn Patrick, h 147 Jay
Winn Patrick, lab. h Lafayette av. n. Classon av
Winn Thomas, lab. h 12 Union pl
Winn William, drugs, h 174 Dean
Winne James, h 158 Hudson av
Winne John, cabinetmkr. h 250 Union av
Winne Julia E. wid. h 94 S. 8th
Wynn William & Co. drugs, 150 Fulton av, h 174 Dean

Brooklyn City and Business Directory for the year ending May 1, 1869
Winn Andrew, lab. h Lafayette . n. Steuben
Winn James, carman, h 158 Hudson
Winn James, lab. h 20 Hudson
Winn James, leather, h Undehill .n. Bergen
Winn Michael, lab. h E. Warren n. Grand
Winne D. V. clerk, h 41 Elliott pl
Wynn James, grocer, 94 E. Warren
Wynn Patrick, porter, h 94 E. Warren
Wynn William, drags, 150 Fulton . h 2 Elm pl
Wynn & Co. drugs, 150 Fulton
Wynne John P. painter, h 64 Butler
Wynne Margaret, wid. h 83 Union
Wynne. Patrick J. butcher, 39 Carroll, h 83 President
Wynne Terence, junk, 37 President, h 52 President
Wynne Thomas, boarding, 14 4th pl
Wynne Thomas, butcher, 635 Court, h 14 4th pl

Trade Heading: Carmen
Winn James 158 Hudson

rtl-433 on Raspberry Pi, Part 1



This is part of my master plan to connect all things to Home Assistant. I have a few Pi’s laying around but most are the older 2B models. I have a couple of 3B but really would like to use them in situations where I need to connect via Wi-Fi. I ordered new SD cards because I didn’t want to deal with janky stuff I had laying around. The SDR is also new. Power supplies are readily available in my household, particularly since just about everything I now have is USB-C.

Here are the steps I went through and, when applicable, sites I referenced to save a lot of trial and error. Initial steps were completed on my Windows 10 laptop. Mac and Linux will obviously be different. This was a helpful tutorial.

  1. The last time I installed a new Raspberry Pi, I tracked down an image for Buster and burned it to the card using Win32DiskImager. It isn’t hard to use but the new Raspberry Pi Imager does a really nice job and lets you enable a few settings as part of the burn. First, install it from If you’re not sure what to pick, take the default. This one works on any model. If you have a 3 or newer, you could choose the 64 bit versions.
Raspberry Pi Imager OS Selection

If you plan to run headless (no monitor, keyboard or mouse), you could also choose the minimal version and skip the overhead and bloat of the GUI environment. Since I’m sticking this into the corner of a closet and will primarily use SSH to manage the device, I chose the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32 bit) option.

2. Once you’ve selected the OS version, you’ll see a small gear icon in the bottom right. Choose that. It will let you customize some details that will save some work later. The key settings you’ll want to choose, particularly if you’re running headless and need immediate remote access are to enable SSH, configure the Wi-Fi (if your Pi has it), and edit the login name and password. Default user names and passwords are stupid and should be avoided. If you’re so inclined, go ahead and set the host name and localization as well. Once everything is to your liking, you can opt to save the settings for future installations of use them just for this session.

3. Insert your SD-Card. If your computer doesn’t have a compatible slot, you can get a USB stick with a micro-SD slot and it’s completely plug and play. Then… Burn it! 🔥 Click the WRITE button. Go get a drink. This will take a few minutes. It will write and then verify the image. When it says it’s done, you can unmount or eject the disk. If you’re on Windows, it may annoyingly ask you to format the disk. DON’T DO IT!

So far, so good. I’ll be honest that even though I plan to run headless, I do like to boot up once with a monitor and input devices attached. It’s a bit more convenient when you’re changing settings. However you plan to proceed, you’ll need to plug the appropriate cables in, power it up, and login. If you didn’t change the login credentials, the default is pi/raspberry.

4. It’s time to do some housekeeping. Open up a terminal window. Type

sudo raspi-config

sudo runs the command with full permissions (effectively root) raspi-config starts the menu configuration tool you’ll use to check and set a few important things.

raspi-config main menu

Here’s a rundown of things to consider editing:
1 System Options
S1 Wireless Options
S4 Hostname (especially if you’re running multiple Raspberry Pis on your network)
S5 Boot / Autologin. Boot to GUI or terminal
3 Interface Options
I2 SSH Make sure this is on if you want to grab a terminal remotely
5 Localisation Options. If you haven’t already changed this and you’re in the US, you will not be a fan of the UK keymapping.
6 Advanced Options
A1 Expand Filesystem. Important if you want to take full advantage of the SD-Card.
8 Update. Only works once you’re internet connected.

Once you’ve done this, it will probably want you to reboot. Do that. Next up is to update to the latest version of the OS. The following commands will get that done.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

I like to tweak my prompt so I know where I am and what branch is active when I’m inside a git repository. I added this to my .bashrc file.

parse_git_branch() {
        git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
        COLOR_DEF=$(tput setaf 7)
        COLOR_USR=$(tput setaf 3)
        COLOR_DIR=$(tput setaf 1)
        COLOR_GIT=$(tput setaf 6)
        export PS1='\[${COLOR_USR}\](\h) \[${COLOR_DIR}\]\w \[${COLOR_GIT}\]$(parse_git_branch)\[${COLOR_DEF}\]${NEWLIN>#    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w \$\[\033[00m\] '
    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '

You’ll have to restart the terminal for this to take effect. Now install some useful things that make your life easier and enable you to build from source. (from

sudo apt install snapd
sudo reboot
sudo snap install core
sudo snap install cmake --classic

That’s it for getting your Raspberry Pi setup. For the next part, we’ll add the rtl-sdr and install the necessary software.

How and Why

Buddha statue in a chair

I have a lot of projects. Too many perhaps. As I move them forward, I plan to document the steps. Depending on how much time I have, these posts will have varying levels of detail.

One of the big projects I’d like to undertake is to move my home automation off of external cloud services and run things myself. Partly, because I’m paranoid about security, partly because I don’t want to find something I like suddenly obsolesced because big corp decided to kill it (I’m looking at you, Google), partly because I want to learn and build some skills.

The grand plan is to setup a collection of services on a range of devices. Some of the decisions about platforms will be based on what I have on hand. Sometimes, it will be driven by wanting to learn something new. The current plan includes:

  • Set up home assistant
  • Set up MQTT to ingest sensor data and enable work flows
  • Build some of my own sensors
  • Hack existing sensors to bend them to my will
  • Setup a media server

Things I’d like to accomplish:

  • Automate some gardening tasks
  • Integrate alerts and from various security devices
  • Create a dashboard with a touch screen
  • Stream any media to any compatible device

Skills I’d like to learn/improve:

  • Programming (Go, PHP, Python, bash)
  • Designing and implementing microservices
  • 3D modeling and fabrication
  • Electronics design and fabrication

Enough introduction. Lets jump in. Parts of the big picture will be done in a sequence that only makes sense to me.